Editorial — Nils Leithold
The Beauty Of Scotland
German geographer and photo artist Nils Leithold has lost his heart to the beauty of nordic landscapes. Especially Scotland doesn't seem to let him and his lens go.
14. August 2019 — MYP N° 26 »Style« — Photography & Text: Nils Leithold

My work as a geographer and photo creator takes me to many unique places around Europe and the world—always inspired by the beauty of nature, especially by the rough landscapes of the north. As a geographer, I perceive a landscape in the context of its genesis and development. For myself, photography is not just a photo—it’s a never-recurring moment.

Scotland is just breathtaking. The endless space, gorgeous landscapes and lovely people everywhere make this country one of my favorite destinations.

Three facts about Scotland. Fact 1: The world’s first color photograph was taken in Scotland. The subject was a tartan ribbon. Fact 2: The small village Fortingall is home to the oldest tree in Europe (about 3,000 to 9,000 years old). Fact 3: There are approximately 800 Scottish islands, but only about 130 are still inhabited.

#nilsleithold #scotland #mypmagazine
Photography & text: Nils Leithold