Editorial — Alexis Maçon‐Dauxerre
In Camargue, a vast and thinly populated natural region in the South of France, photographer Alexis Maçon-Dauxerre wanted to capture the influence of humans on nature. Thereby he got into a big gathering of horse breeders.
29. Juni 2020 — MYP N° 29 »Vacuum« — Photography & Text: Alexis Maçon-Dauxerre

I shot this series just before the confinement, end of February.
I’ve always been fascinated by wilderness, primeval forests, deserts, wastelands. I am interested in places where you can find very few people, that have been abandoned or have always been wild. And I knew that Camargue would be that kind of place.
Furthermore, I heard about an event which took place in the village of Aimargues. Each year, horse breeders gather up and pay tribute to the memory of Fanfonne Guillierme, the first female horse breeder. I went there to meet these people and to take pictures of the ceremonies.
The longer time goes on, the more I try to question myself on the relationship between humankind and its environment. In Camargue, I’ve been trying to highlight the influence of humans on nature. I also wanted to enhance the Camargue’s culture, which is unique and out of time.
Driving and walking alone on the trails of Camargue made me feel peaceful. Time passes slowly and each meeting, each discovery becomes an important moment.

#alexismacondauxerre #france #camargue #vacuum #mypmagazine
Photography & text: Alexis Maçon-Dauxerre